How I Make Time to Write: Tip 4

How I Make Time to Write: Tip 4

Today I’m sharing my final tip for making time to write.

4. Prioritize

I only work on writing projects for a certain amount of time while my daughter is awake. Then I wait until naptime or bedtime to continue working on things. I really like this because it helps me be present with my daughter when she is up. And I don’t feel conflicted about whether I should be typing or spending time with her.

Writing takes priority over other things. I decide what is most important in my life and that is what I put first. When I keep the commitment I make with myself to make time for writing, I am proud of myself.

I can do everything, just not at the same time. I have the mentality that a little work done is better than no work done. If I am able to make a little time for writing here and there it will add up.

Thanks for keeping up with my tips on making time to write!